Have You Had Enough Yet?

How many times have you heard someone complain about the same problem over and over? Maybe you’ve even done it yourself. I know I have. Here’s a great tool you can use to help in these situations:

In order to effect change, our dissatisfaction with the status quo multiplied by our vision of the future multiplied by the natural next step needs to be greater than the resistance to that change.

We’re pretty good at the dissatisfaction part. How about your vision? Can you imagine what the future might look like if you were able to eliminate that dissatisfaction? If not, it’s time to go to work on your vision. If your vision of the future is less than your dissatisfaction, that’s a pretty hopeless situation. Work up a picture of your preferred future with the help of a friend or coach. Don’t be afraid to dream on this part. It’s ok if your vision seems a bit out of reach or aspirational. Once you can articulate your new vision, consider what your very next step needs to be to move in that direction.

If you’ve finally had enough of the current situation, you have a grasp on what things could look like and you’ve identified your next step, chances are you can overcome any resistance that might be in your way. Time to make that positive change!



Enough About You, Let’s Talk About Me!


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